Prof. dr Željko Krneta
Radeći preko 30 godina u naučnom polju društveno-humanističkih nauka, pre svega u oblasti sporta i obrazovanja, primetio sam nedostatak adekvatnih digitalnih materijala na srpskom jeziku iz primenjene statistike.
Pokretanje ovog sajta i kurseva ima upravo za cilj da popuni tu prazninu i pruži pomoć svima koji nisu statističari-matematičari a imaju potrebu da koriste statisku u svom istraživačkom ili praktičnom radu.
Nadam se da će ovi materijali i vama biti korisni.
Neki od objavljenih radova
- Relationship Between Socioeconomic Factors and Intelligence of Preschoolers: A cohort study in the Serbian context
- Cooperation between preschool teachers and parents from the perspective of the developmental status of the child.pdf
- Do Kinesiologic Activities Change Aberrant Behavior in Preschool Children?
- Physical exercise and its influence on evoked cognitive potentials in the female subjects
- A Comparative Analysis of the Postural Status of Young Girls volleyball Playares from Vojvodina and their Peers
- The Effects of Kinesiological Activity on Motor and Intellectual Functioning of Children in Relation to Their Physical Constitution at Birth
- Does the Additional Physical Activity in Preschool Children can Reduce Risk for Early Onset Obesity ?
- Physiological responses the organism of karate athletes specialists of kata and kumite during simulated competition
- Can Kinesiological Activities Change »Pure« Motor Development in Preschool Children during One School Year?
- Metrical Characteristics of the Test for Determining Reaction Speed Using Simple Movement With Children of Preschool Age